This is a high fantasy five book series in a genre that I’m calling ‘historical fantasy fiction.’

At the moment, I have two pitches that I feel best get the basic premise across.

I) Ancient Rome with dragons and magic.

II) A Song of Ice and Fire meets Ancient Rome.

It really is that simple! Although as you’ll see below, it also isn’t.


The story of Kings of the Republic takes place in an imagined world that shares similarities with the the ancient Mediterranean circa 100BC. There are over a dozen different nations and unique cultures inhabiting this world but the one that our story revolves around is a city state known as Galia.

Galia is an all-powerful nation inspired heavily by Ancient Rome. From the setting itself to the politics to the people, it does for Ancient Rome what A Song of Ice and Fire did for Mediaeval England. When the story begins, Galia is at the height of her power, the Republic which rules her is at the peak of its dominion, and the politicians who make up her august body of leaders fashion themselves kings amongst men.

But the emergence of an ancient race from the age of gods threatens to throw Galia and her Republic into disarray. Faced with her first real threat in generations, if Galia is to defeat this ancient foe once and for all and secure her position as the most powerful nation in the world, the senators and generals who govern her will need to defeat their enemies at home, secure power for themselves like never before, and pray that the legends of the old times, when gods walked the earth with men, don’t return.


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I’m writing this series in the stylings of an historical fiction, treating the world and its history as real. For this reason, I’ve chosen to write it from the POV’s of multiple characters, told across a period of history rather than a single event. The first book takes place over four years, as does the second, while the entire series will be as many of fifty. In this way, Galia is the main character, and the other characters are used to tell her story.

With that in mind, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin is a big influence on this series. The POV style that he uses through the series is how I’ve chosen to tell this story. And his approach to characters also, real people who are neither good or bad, protagonist or antagonist, and who make decisions based on what they need at the time rather than what the story needs. For better or worse. Hopefully, my characters are of a similar moral complexity.

Another huge influence on this series is The Masters of Rome by Colleen Mcllough, an epic historical fiction series set in Ancient Rome from 110BC-27BC. Historically accurate to a fault, this sweeping body of work, which contains seven massive novels, deftly tracks the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Empire. Told from the perspectives of dozens of historical characters, all of whom exist in that same moral grey zone as ASOIAF’s, this series is fantastic. The historical elements of this series, and even some events, have influenced my series greatly.


The short answer? About 40% of the first novel. As well as having planned the rest of it out, chapter by chapter, ready to go. I’ve also done all the world building, in-depth character bios, and drawn detailed maps. If I wanted to, I could start writing the rest of it today.

But I’m trying to be smart about this. As you may have already read, I’m still new to self-publishing. One novel out now, more to come, it’s early phases at the moment and far too soon for this project. When this series comes together, I want it to mean something. I don’t want to hustle it, I want people to know it’s coming, and to be looking forward to it. Possibly even published.