Harlem’s Odyssey: Heroes Don’t Do Second Place

The long awaited, somewhat anticipated, sequel to Harlem’s Odyssey: Heroes Don’t Wear Shorts (now available for free -- click here to get your copy!)

Harlem Sunday, burgeoning hero, has the potential to be great. Maybe the greatest hero in all of Land, if only he could find the chance to prove himself. But having only been at it for six months now, chances to prove himself are so few and far between that he’s beginning to wonder if the opportunity will come at all. 

Good luck strikes when the dreaded Harbinger is prophesized to escape its one-hundred and sixty-nine-year captivity, which will mean certain death for all those who call the magical realm of Land their home... 

Although this is Land that we’re talking about, where world ending events transpire every other day. And seeing as this apocalypse comes with a convenient date attached, why not host a tournament so we might see which brave hero has the honor of stopping it?      

But this isn’t your average tournament. Putting aside the minotaur, the fire-hydra, the leviathan, and the dreaded Typhon that he’ll be forced to go toe-to-toe with, not to mention a cult of mages with their own world ending agenda in the works, if Harlem really does consider himself to be the greatest hero in Land, he’s going to have to prove it. The world is about to end, after all, and second place simply won’t do. 

 Discworld meets the Princess Bride by way of Dungeons & Dragons. If your humor skews Monty Python, and your sense of fun and adventure leans fantastical, even absurd, then this book is for you. And if not, it makes for great kindling.

Hi — I’m James D. Michael, a self-published author who specializes in writing fantasy.

I got my start a decade ago as a ghostwriter, concentrating mostly on contemporary romance novels, but I’ve also written cozy mysteries, legal dramas, and plenty of smut. Really, anything to pay the bills and improve my writing.

At the moment, I’m working on a five book fantasy comedy series called Harlem’s Odyssey (the first book is currently available), but I have a few others projects in the works too.

For more information on Harlem’s Odyssey, my upcoming projects, or just me as a person, feel free to browse my website, interact where you can an even reach out if you have any questions.